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APEC Action Plan
on Rare Diseases

1 Vision
3 Objectives
10 Pillars

30 Targets
30 Indicators
70+ Recommendations

Now available in
4 languages

In 2017, Health Ministers from the 21 economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum established the APEC Rare Disease Network. This group of government policymakers, academic & clinical experts, patients & advocates, and industry leaders developed the APEC Action Plan on Rare Diseases, which all 21 APEC Health Ministers approved and endorsed in 2018. 

The APEC Action Plan on Rare Diseases contains more than 70 recommendations & 30 targets with measurable indicators across 10 pillars. It is informed by peer-reviewed evidence, best practices & real-world learnings from diverse stakeholders around the world. It is translated into Spanish, Chinese (Traditional), Portuguese, Japanese, and Thai. Over the past 5 years, governments have used the Action Plan to spark national planning efforts & guide policy change.  

APEC Action Plan on Rare Diseases - English.png


The APEC Action Plan on Rare Diseases was drafted, endorsed, and published first in English as the official working language of APEC.

Date Available: August 2018

Launch: 8th APEC High-Level Meeting on Health & the Economy, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea



The APEC Action Plan was translated into Spanish to better support Chile, Mexico, and Peru, among other Spanish-speaking countries outside of APEC. 

Date Available: July 2019

Launch: APEC Rare Disease Policy Workshop, Santiago, Chile 


Chinese (Traditional)

The APEC Action Plan was translated into Chinese (Traditional) to better support P.R. China; Hong Kong, China; and Chinese Taipei.

Date Available: October 2019

Launch: China Conference on Rare Diseases, Beijing, P.R. China

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The APEC Action Plan was translated into Portuguese as the first official non-APEC language to demonstrate its relevance & effectiveness to countries outside of APEC, starting with Brazil & other Portuguese-speaking countries.


Date Available: October 2023

Launch5th Ibero-American Congress on Rare Diseases, Brasilia, Brazil


Coming soon.

Date Available: 2023 (estimated)

Launch: TBD


Coming soon.

Date Available: 2023 (estimated)

Launch: TBD

Need the APEC Action Plan in your language?

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